Christian Concepts in Real Life.

A Perfect Fit
With every failed relationship, I questioned why it ended. I realized that instead of being a master key for different locks, I was a special, singular key designed for a special, singular lock. If you are doubting there is anyone for you, remember God created Eve from Adam’s rib. Just like how Eve was a perfect match for Adam, you are a perfect match for someone too.

Beauty Comes from Within
When I was a kid, my confidence was sky-high; however, as I entered puberty and the worldly qualifications for being attractive changed, my confidence and self-esteem declined. It took years to be able to look in the mirror and love the person looking back at me. I learned that beauty comes from within.

Peace Over Everything
For years, I was in a cyclical relational pattern: get bored, meet a guy, entertain said guy, only for it to end a few weeks to months later and then, cry because the situationship ended. After my last situationship in 2020, enough was enough. I submitted my romantic relationships to God and lovelies, I have been at peace ever since. If you are struggling with loneliness, there is hope! Give your desire for a relationship to God and trust in Him.

What About Your Friends
There is a plethora of adages that express the importance of friendships. I take being a good friend very seriously; however, to my dismay, over the years, I’ve realized that not all my friendships were reciprocal. I encourage you to take your friendships to the Lord and ask Him who is for you and who isn’t. Trust that God has divine friendships for you and He will bring your tribe to you when it’s right.

The Blinders of Jealousy
One of God’s commandments is not to covet. Coveting what your neighbor/friend/loved one has can lead to jealousy. Throughout the Bible, there are stories that detail the destructive actions of different people because of jealousy. As I’ve written before, when I was younger, I had a plan for how my life would go, but when my life’s planned derailed while someone else’s life stayed the course, I became extremely jealous. As a result, I became mad at God and began to look at the world in a negative light. Over time, I realized that we are all different and are called to different life plans. Therefore, we should trust God to lead our paths.

The Devil Is The Real Opp
For as long as I can remember, the culture has been focused on haters. We become so obsessed with showing up the people who don’t like us and not letting them get the best of us that we are blind to the fact that we are doing exactly what our biggest opp – the enemy – wants us to do. The enemy wants to cause destruction in all facets of your life – from relationships, friendships, career and more. Don’t let him win because when God is on your side, even the biggest, worst opp can’t harm you.

Every Day Should Be Like Sunday
Before, when I would hear that “Every day should be like Sunday,” I would be flabbergasted. However, as I’ve grown in God, I learned that what God means is He wants His character to flow through you every day. He wants to be a part of every part of your life. Today’s encouragement is to find ways you can make your everyday life be more like Sunday.

Appreciate the Moments
The adage is true: life be life’ing. As life continues, our prayers change. After finding old notes, I realized that while I was busy praying about my next set of accomplishments, I didn’t realize God had been answering old prayers – even ones I forgot about. Here’s your reminder to appreciate the moments in your life.

On To The Next
Growth is a part of life. We all want advancement, but what happens when God moves us a step backwards? My advice: seek God to see what He wants you to do in this season because the faster you complete your assignment, the quicker you can move to your next.

Your Will
Sometimes, it’s easy to remember that God is in control of our jobs and finances, but it’s harder to understand or grasp the concept that God is in control of our relationships. We hold on to the relationships we want to our detriments. I started praying God helps me to want what He wants for my life. I didn’t think the prayer was working at first, but over time, I started seeing my wants and desires, including my relational wants and desires, change. Desire God’s will for your life and trust the process.

Planting Good Seed
A little while ago, I read something that was eye-opening. It said time is our biggest resource. This was astounding to me because for years, I believed money was the biggest resource. As I continue to become more intent on being purposeful, productive and focused, I realized how one spends his or her time today determines his or her success tomorrow. Time is important. In 2025, let’s consult God about how to use our time wisely so we can reach a bountiful harvest!

Trust God
After years of making horrible decisions and depending on others to make decisions for me, I realized that my problem was I was placing my trust in the wrong people. Instead, I should have been placing my trust in God. However, when you lose trust in yourself, it is hard to trust God and to trust that you hear God correctly. Since my Christian journey began in 2022, God has been helping me to trust Him more. With that, I am learning how to trust Him in the midst of inconveniences and setbacks and believing that He is still guiding me through it.

Root For Yourself First
I am a supporter. For my loved ones, I am their biggest cheerleader. However, when it comes to myself, my faith in the dreams I have can waver. During a conversation with my best friend years ago, she pointed out that having faith for someone else and not having any in yourself is disingenuous. Although I hated to hear it, I knew she was right. I had to learn and am still learning to walk boldly into what God has called me to do without the approval of others because God and myself are rooting for me - and that’s enough.

Face the Uncomfortable
We have become a people who always wants more. We’re constantly looking for the next big accomplishment without thinking about what it takes to get there. Oftentimes, the next level requires us to go through a season of uncomfortableness. I am learning that the uncomfortable season is where we grow. Therefore, don’t run away from discomfort; embrace the uncomfortable!

Let Your Light Shine
Words hurt and words can impact a person’s life. This proved to be true when I was told at a young age that I would emasculate my future husband. As a way to combat that statement, I tried dimming my light in hopes my worth and value would be seen. Years later, I discovered that dimming my light was something I did repeatedly throughout various relationships. I pray this blog post is an encouragement and reminder to never dim your light for anyone.

Admit When You’re Not Ok
Prior to giving my life over to the Lord, I had a bad habit of trying to go through things alone – without friends, without family and even without God. I was more scared of how I would be perceived instead of wanting happiness and peace. I hated how being depressed and being sad made me look to others and I hated how I viewed myself because of it. The more I tried to bottle up my pain, the more it destroyed me from the inside out. Before you get to that point, I implore you to admit when you’re not ok.

Talk to Me Nice
Words are powerful. Words can lift someone up or bring someone down. During my battle of depression, I learned the true meaning of “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” As Christians, we need to make sure that are words are being used to uplift and speak life into people. I challenge you to use your words to help others, not condemn them

Trauma Warps The Brain
Although going to therapy is increasingly becoming adopted into our self-care, many people still rebuke the idea of therapy. For those who don’t quite understand the importance, think of your favorite or the most outrageous action hero, who falls off buildings, gets shot, gets stabbed and STILL makes it to his destination safely and alive. What if I told you going through life without getting a mental checkup is the equivalent of said action hero?

You’re Still In The Game
Comparison is an ugly thing. It can cause you to doubt yourself or worse, hate yourself. Over the past few months, God has been working on me with revitalizing dreams I thought I laid to rest. As quick as the motivation came was as quick as the enemy came and tried to flood my mind with lies and comparisons. God reminded me that just because you aren’t Steph Curry, it doesn’t mean you aren’t still in the game.

Go To Work
There’s a famous adage that says, “Practice makes perfect.” However, it’s one thing to know that; it’s an entirely different thing to apply that. For years, I had dreams of accomplishing different things, but because the outcome didn’t equate to my perfect vision, I quit prematurely. Over time, the recurrence of this caused me to doubt myself. However, God reminded me that “Faith without works” is dead.