Admit When You’re Not Ok

For a long time, our society respected us for how much pain we could tolerate without breaking. We often hear that we should “check on our strong friends” because more often than not, the strong friends can be struggling mentally and no would know the wiser. As a member of the “strong friend” community, I can admit that sometimes, it doesn’t matter if our friends check on us, we’re still going to play the role that we perceive we should play. However, as a member of the “strong friend” community, I urge the other members to admit when you’re not ok.


It's ok to not be ok. It’s ok if you find yourself going through the same situation you coached your friend out of. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to feel. It’s ok to be vulnerable. You are human. There isn’t one strong character in the Bible that didn’t have a weak moment. God doesn’t think any less of you for being human and neither will the people he anoints to be in your life. We are to bear the infirmities of the weak (Romans 15:1-2). We are to pray for one another. The Bible says that none of us are exempt from pain in this life (John 16:33) meaning that you will not be ok sometimes.


In moments like those, encourage yourself in the Lord like David did. Seek wise counsel like Proverbs suggests. Remember that there is a season for everything  (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11) and remember trouble doesn’t last always (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).


For a while, my issue with telling others what I was battling was “what if they will think less of me?” As I mentioned before, the ones that really love you will not and the ones that do, I promise you, they either have, are or will go through something that others may view as idiotic too.


By not admitting you’re not ok, only causes more damage to yourself in the future. Think of pain like an infection. It can start small but grow and cause catastrophic results.

Deal with the pain at its inception because no one is good all the time.


Let Your Light Shine


Talk to Me Nice