Christian Concepts in Real Life.

Root For Yourself First
I am a supporter. For my loved ones, I am their biggest cheerleader. However, when it comes to myself, my faith in the dreams I have can waver. During a conversation with my best friend years ago, she pointed out that having faith for someone else and not having any in yourself is disingenuous. Although I hated to hear it, I knew she was right. I had to learn and am still learning to walk boldly into what God has called me to do without the approval of others because God and myself are rooting for me - and that’s enough.

Let Your Light Shine
Words hurt and words can impact a person’s life. This proved to be true when I was told at a young age that I would emasculate my future husband. As a way to combat that statement, I tried dimming my light in hopes my worth and value would be seen. Years later, I discovered that dimming my light was something I did repeatedly throughout various relationships. I pray this blog post is an encouragement and reminder to never dim your light for anyone.

Admit When You’re Not Ok
Prior to giving my life over to the Lord, I had a bad habit of trying to go through things alone – without friends, without family and even without God. I was more scared of how I would be perceived instead of wanting happiness and peace. I hated how being depressed and being sad made me look to others and I hated how I viewed myself because of it. The more I tried to bottle up my pain, the more it destroyed me from the inside out. Before you get to that point, I implore you to admit when you’re not ok.

Trauma Warps The Brain
Although going to therapy is increasingly becoming adopted into our self-care, many people still rebuke the idea of therapy. For those who don’t quite understand the importance, think of your favorite or the most outrageous action hero, who falls off buildings, gets shot, gets stabbed and STILL makes it to his destination safely and alive. What if I told you going through life without getting a mental checkup is the equivalent of said action hero?

Have Faith for Yourself
Faith is a funny thing. It’s easy to have faith that a dream will come true for others. It’s easy to tell someone to walk by faith. However, when the situation turns around to you, you begin to understand that it’s a little scary, unnerving and difficult. Here’s my encouragement to you and to me: have faith for yourself.

Just One of Them Days
Society gives a negative connotation to being alone, but alone time is actually vital to your mental well-being and spiritual life. It can recharge you, renew your attitude and allow you to learn more about yourself. Prioritize and schedule time for yourself.

Speak to Me
The scripture says “Faith comes by hearing.” The world can tell you some damaging things that can either encourage or affirm the negative beliefs you have about yourself. After one of my therapy sessions, I decided to write and recite affirmations to combat the negative beliefs I have about myself. The more you tell yourself positive affirmations, the more you believe it and your world changes because of it.

Hi, my Name is
The world can and will feed you a plethora of narratives that will have you questioning: Am I enough or am I worth it? I’m here to remind you that God knew you before anyone else knew you and He KNOWS that you’re worth it. He KNOWS that you are enough.

Why You Gotta Be So Mean?
In this world full of judgement, I found myself trying to counteract it with perfectionism. However, in trying to be perfect, I became overly critical of myself. I was the mean girl to myself. As I grow closer to God, not only has He shown me grace and forgiveness, but He’s also teaching me how to show myself grace and forgiveness.

I am beautiful in every single way
It can be hard trying to uphold the world’s standard of beauty. In my experience, sometimes the world’s standard seems unattainable so you become apathetic instead. God isn’t just concerned about your spirit and soul, but how you view yourself, your outward appearance and how you carry yourself.

Treat me like I treat Me
What is self-love and self-care? I have discovered that it is the same love and care that you would give to others, but to yourself. I’m on a journey to love and treat myself better. You should join me!