A Perfect Fit

It’s amazing the revelations God will give you over the simplest topics when you ask. For years, I wondered why it didn’t work out with this guy, that guy and the other guy. Because I needed it to make sense in my head, I began trying to attach excuses to different guys. For some, it seemed to work and I would stop lamenting over them and why we ended. For others, the excuse wasn’t good enough; I needed more. I wanted closure, but by that time, years passed and asking just seemed preposterous. One day while thinking about why it didn’t work out with any of the dudes I entertained over the years, God reminded me that Eve was made from Adam’s rib, not a one-size-fit-all-rib. Genesis 2:23 (NLT) says: “‘At last!’ the man exclaimed. ‘This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh!’”



I was trying to be a master key for a bunch of different locks when I was designed to be a singular key for a singular lock! It was interesting. I could understand the concept perfectly regarding female friends. I knew I wouldn’t and couldn’t be everyone’s friend and that was ok. However, there was something about not being chosen by all my “exes” that bothered me.


Ladies, if you’re in a similar situation, trying out relationship after relationship, situationship after situationship to only discover you’re still single, it’s because you aren’t made for everybody. You are designed to be a helpmate to the one God designed you for. I heard someone say something to the effect of: “You need premium gas, but you’re settling for regular.” Therefore, I have a suggestion, instead of approaching relationships in our own might, let’s consult the One who created us and is the Author and Finisher of our faith. The story of Ruth and Esther show us when we work on fulfilling our purpose and ourselves, God will send our husbands.


So, Lovelies, let’s remember: We weren’t made for everybody.


Beauty Comes from Within