Christian Concepts in Real Life.

A Perfect Fit
With every failed relationship, I questioned why it ended. I realized that instead of being a master key for different locks, I was a special, singular key designed for a special, singular lock. If you are doubting there is anyone for you, remember God created Eve from Adam’s rib. Just like how Eve was a perfect match for Adam, you are a perfect match for someone too.

Peace Over Everything
For years, I was in a cyclical relational pattern: get bored, meet a guy, entertain said guy, only for it to end a few weeks to months later and then, cry because the situationship ended. After my last situationship in 2020, enough was enough. I submitted my romantic relationships to God and lovelies, I have been at peace ever since. If you are struggling with loneliness, there is hope! Give your desire for a relationship to God and trust in Him.

What About Your Friends
There is a plethora of adages that express the importance of friendships. I take being a good friend very seriously; however, to my dismay, over the years, I’ve realized that not all my friendships were reciprocal. I encourage you to take your friendships to the Lord and ask Him who is for you and who isn’t. Trust that God has divine friendships for you and He will bring your tribe to you when it’s right.

Your Will
Sometimes, it’s easy to remember that God is in control of our jobs and finances, but it’s harder to understand or grasp the concept that God is in control of our relationships. We hold on to the relationships we want to our detriments. I started praying God helps me to want what He wants for my life. I didn’t think the prayer was working at first, but over time, I started seeing my wants and desires, including my relational wants and desires, change. Desire God’s will for your life and trust the process.

A Customized love
I have always been a fan of high-school and college sweetheart love stories, especially since I am a product of one. However, as the years progressed and no relationship in sight, my belief in love dwindled. As the Lord has been rekindling my enjoyment in watching and reading content about romance, I notice that I become wistful about situations I wished to happen but never did. God made me realize it was because I didn’t trust that He would bless me with a love better than I imagined.

There’s a Blessing in God’s Selfishness
For years, it seemed like everyone was in a relationship but me. I once heard that if one was single, God was being selfish with you. Well, I was tired of God’s selfishness. I wanted a boyfriend and I wanted him THEN! Years later, I discovered the true blessing in God’s selfishness.

I Want to be like Cinderella
Growing up, I sung from my diaphragm Cheetah Girls’ “Cinderella.” However, when I was older, I was singing a different tune. I did WANT to be like Cinderella. I wanted a man to come and save me. It took a decade later to discover I did have a Savior and His name was Jesus.

Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Having a “ho phase” is coveted in today’s age. But is that phase as fun as we think it is? From personal experience and observations, we covet this phase to hide from a deeper rooted issue that can only be fixed with God. Plant yourself in Him and watch how that joy and happiness you’re looking for radiates from you when you give your life to Christ.

You’re God’s Valentine
Valentine’s Day can be a hard day. It can remind you that it’s yet another year of singleness or it can be a day where you covet other’s Valentine’s Day. However, I am here to remind you that today doesn’t need to be a day of sadness or jealousy because you have a Valentine - God. Happy Valentine’s Day, Lovelies!

God Ended It
Have you ever wondered what went wrong in a relationship? I have and usually by the time I hit the self-reflection stage, the ex has moved on with someone else, meaning it’s too late to ask. After years of contemplation, I finally asked God, the one who knew the answer to everything, “Why did the relationship end?” He simply responded, “Because that wasn’t the relationship I had for you.”

Be Prepared
Whether subconsciously or consciously, we adopt the ideas and beliefs of our culture and surroundings. Beliefs that being single is a curse and that something is wrong with us can consume our brains and force us to believe that being in a relationship or married is the only way to happiness. Instead of looking at our single season as a curse, let’s begin to look at it as a preparation season. Let’s use this time to prepare to be the people and spouses we want to be!

After the Rain
For years, I viewed my single season as a storm that would never pass or as a never-ending desert (wilderness) season. However, earlier this year, I heard a sermon that made me realize that my single season is more than a storm or a desert period, but it is a period of preparation. A period that is for my benefit so that when my kingdom spouse does come, I will be prepared.

I’d catch a grenade for you
There's a saying that says, "Relationships are about give and take." In translation, that means relationships require reciprocity. If our relationship with God is reciprocal, then why can't we expect the same from our other relationships?

The first cut is the deepest
First loves. They are so exciting and magical, but for some people, they are the most heartbreaking. Trauma can rear its ugly head from a number of situations, including a first heartbreak. Let me be the one to tell you. Yes, you may still be hurt from your FIRST heartbreak. Yes, it’s ok to admit it. Lastly, yes, it’s time to heal from it.