Christian Concepts in Real Life.
This is a Story
I’ve always believed that at least some parts of stories from books and television could become reality. I would daydream and fantasize about how my life would be similar to the stories I read and watched. However, as my storybook life derailed to a mundane one, I became sad, depressed and wistful. I had to realize that there is beauty and inspiration in unconventional stories.
Do You Boo Boo
Through therapy, I discovered that I battle with the issue of wanting to controlling others. I want the best for them; therefore, I try to imprint my version of what their best life is. However, my therapist ultimately asked me, “What does that have to do with you?” I had no other rebuttal than “Nothing,” and since it had nothing to do with me, I decided not to let my loved one’s actions continue to negatively impact me. I gave them over to Lord and mentally said, “Do you Boo Boo.”
When I Pray
I’ve witnessed people expressing their concerns about how to pray. Praying is nothing but having a conversation with the God who created you and who knows you better than you know yourself. You don’t need big words or fancy gestures, just start up a conversation. I promise He is always listening and is always available.
Need Help With Faith?
Since we have been discussing faith for the last couple of weeks, I decided that this blog post would highlight some faith material that you can listen to, watch and read to help build your faith.
Live By Faith
We often tell people that we have faith, but do we live by faith? Earlier this year, I became sick and nothing I did helped or worked. I decided to declare and decree that I was healed and a few days later, I felt better. This situation taught me that not only should we have faith, but we should live by faith.
Walk By Faith
Over the years, I have noticed an increase in the belief in manifestation and the universe. However, as I got deeper in my faith, I realized the error in believing in these things is that it takes away from God's power. God created the universe, so why should we look to the universe to handle our problems when there is a much higher being and authority over the universe? Instead, what we should do is ask God for what we need and want and have FAITH that what we pray for will come to pass. We should begin walking by faith, whether that's writing down, drawing or continuously speaking your vision, but having knowledge that this will be made possible by God.
What A [Twisted] World
The enemy's mission is to kill, steal and destroy, which he accomplishes by belittling God, turning our attention to other things and other tactics. An example of this is by the use of horoscopes, numerology, palm readings and more. We rely on horoscopes and other sources to tell us what kind of person we are, how our day is going to go, etc. without realizing that by doing this we are telling God that we don't trust Him and we are putting our trust in something else. Make a conscientious decision to make God your ONLY God.
Sermon Suggestion: “Single and Secure”
The book of Ruth is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Not only is it a beautiful love story, but the story of Ruth showcases that when single people live their life and use their preparation season accordingly, love finds them. If you need motivation or encouragement about embracing your single (preparation) season, “Single and Secure” is a great sermon to watch!
God Ended It
Have you ever wondered what went wrong in a relationship? I have and usually by the time I hit the self-reflection stage, the ex has moved on with someone else, meaning it’s too late to ask. After years of contemplation, I finally asked God, the one who knew the answer to everything, “Why did the relationship end?” He simply responded, “Because that wasn’t the relationship I had for you.”
Sermon Suggestion: “I Quit Complaining”
Complaining is the opposite of gratitude. It essentially “disrespects what has done in the past.” Instead, God wants us to be grateful for what He has blessed us with and to lean on Him in times of trouble. Pastor Mike Jr. reminds us why we shouldn’t complain.
Speak to Me
The scripture says “Faith comes by hearing.” The world can tell you some damaging things that can either encourage or affirm the negative beliefs you have about yourself. After one of my therapy sessions, I decided to write and recite affirmations to combat the negative beliefs I have about myself. The more you tell yourself positive affirmations, the more you believe it and your world changes because of it.
Book Suggestion: Woman Evolve
Fear is a flexible emotion. Sometimes, it’s evident that the emotion you feel is fear. Other times, fear is lurking in the background, hiding in camouflage as another emotion. It’s only when you analyze that emotion, you realize fear is the underlying cause. Well, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts has written a book to give us tips and tools of how to overcome our fears in the book, “Woman Evolve.” This book was insightful and therapeutic. I highly suggest reading if you want to overcome your fears and live the life that God has for you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! In honor of Thanksgiving, I decided to write a blog about what I’m thankful for. As you read, begin thinking about what you are thankful for. I hope you have a great and blessed Thanksgiving!
Never Stop Learning
God can use anything to better your life. In 2013, I took a class in undergrad that I initially took because it was required. I hated coding. Fast-forward to 9 years later and most of my career has consisted of coding. You never know what skills God will use to elevate your life, so learn everything you can earnestly.
All Things Are Working For My Good
Contracting herpes at 21 seemed like a death sentence. Who would love me? Who would want me? Who would accept me? However, God used my STD as a way to start my self-love journey and get me closer to Him. This blog post is to encourage you that it might not seem like it, but all things are working for your good.
Sermon Suggestion: “Asking for a Friend: 4 Secrets of a Secure Woman”
It’s good to be reminded of your worth and that you are valuable despite what the world may have you to believe. Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.’s sermon, “Asking for a Friend: 4 Secrets of a Secure Woman,” does just that. Learn 4 tips to becoming a secure woman while also being reminded not to lower your standards for anyone!
Be Prepared
Whether subconsciously or consciously, we adopt the ideas and beliefs of our culture and surroundings. Beliefs that being single is a curse and that something is wrong with us can consume our brains and force us to believe that being in a relationship or married is the only way to happiness. Instead of looking at our single season as a curse, let’s begin to look at it as a preparation season. Let’s use this time to prepare to be the people and spouses we want to be!
God Is Not Man
As humans, we sometimes do things that we are ashamed of. We can be so ashamed that we are ashamed to admit it to God or feel that God will not forgive us for that sin. I had to be reminded that God is not man. He is really forgiving and will cast your sins into a sea of forgetfulness if you bring it to Him and truly repent.
Welcome to the Real World
Pastors are always speaking about how this room or world is a dressing room. The more I think about the brevity of life, the more I realize how pastors are right. We really are only here for a few years compared to the forever we will spend in the afterlife. The question, then, becomes: Where do you want to spend eternity?
Sermon Suggestion: Leaving Lack
The opposite of good stewardship is lack. We accept lack in our lives in several different ways. But how do we overcome it? Well, Pastor Darius McClure of Rock City Church in Birmingham, AL has the answer! This week, I suggest watching Pastor Daruis' sermon, "Leaving Lack," to help you lean on God for an abundant life!