Christian Concepts in Real Life.

Need Help With Faith?
Since we have been discussing faith for the last couple of weeks, I decided that this blog post would highlight some faith material that you can listen to, watch and read to help build your faith.

Sermon Suggestion: “Single and Secure”
The book of Ruth is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Not only is it a beautiful love story, but the story of Ruth showcases that when single people live their life and use their preparation season accordingly, love finds them. If you need motivation or encouragement about embracing your single (preparation) season, “Single and Secure” is a great sermon to watch!

Sermon Suggestion: “I Quit Complaining”
Complaining is the opposite of gratitude. It essentially “disrespects what has done in the past.” Instead, God wants us to be grateful for what He has blessed us with and to lean on Him in times of trouble. Pastor Mike Jr. reminds us why we shouldn’t complain.

Book Suggestion: Woman Evolve
Fear is a flexible emotion. Sometimes, it’s evident that the emotion you feel is fear. Other times, fear is lurking in the background, hiding in camouflage as another emotion. It’s only when you analyze that emotion, you realize fear is the underlying cause. Well, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts has written a book to give us tips and tools of how to overcome our fears in the book, “Woman Evolve.” This book was insightful and therapeutic. I highly suggest reading if you want to overcome your fears and live the life that God has for you!

Sermon Suggestion: “Asking for a Friend: 4 Secrets of a Secure Woman”
It’s good to be reminded of your worth and that you are valuable despite what the world may have you to believe. Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.’s sermon, “Asking for a Friend: 4 Secrets of a Secure Woman,” does just that. Learn 4 tips to becoming a secure woman while also being reminded not to lower your standards for anyone!

Sermon Suggestion: Leaving Lack
The opposite of good stewardship is lack. We accept lack in our lives in several different ways. But how do we overcome it? Well, Pastor Darius McClure of Rock City Church in Birmingham, AL has the answer! This week, I suggest watching Pastor Daruis' sermon, "Leaving Lack," to help you lean on God for an abundant life!

Sermon Suggestion: Enemies of Excellence
Have you ever thought, “I need to adult better” or “I need to stop procrastinating”? Pastor Dharius Daniels reminds us in his video, “Enemies of Excellence” that there are foxes, like procrastination, that come to kill, steal and destroy our excellence. If you are trying to adult better or maximize your life, I highly recommend this video.

Podcast Episode(s) Suggestion: How to Start a Budget
In lieu of Monday’s blog, I thought it would be a great idea to suggest a budgeting video! You can watch Peggy Buck’s “How to Budget” video either on Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts’ Woman Evolve TV channel or you can visit YouTube, where it is titled, “W.E. TV Throwback: Budgeting Class X Peggy Buck.”

Sermon Series Suggestions: Relationship Goals & Relationship Goals Reloaded
Relationship Goals was the second sermon I watched after “5 Keys to Identifying Your Soulmate.” This sermon series helped me to understand and appreciated my single season. In 2020, Relationship Goals Reloaded was released and it was just as impactful as the first. Whether you are single or in a relationship, these series are a must watch!

Sermon Suggestion: 5 Keys to Identifying Your Soulmate
After a situationship I knew I shouldn’t have been in ended, I was hurt and started wondering why none of my relationships were working. During my downtime at work, I went on YouTube and stumbled across Touré Roberts’ “5 Keys to Identifying Your Soulmate.” Whether you’re in a relationship or single, this is a must watch!

Sermon Series Suggestion: Cuffing Season
This week’s suggestion is a sermon series from Transformation Church called Cuffing Season. This is a deliverance series that touches subjects, such as complacency, gluttony, comparison and much more.

Sermon Suggestion: Nothing Left to Lose
I know what it’s like to make a mistake and feel as though it is always looming over you. Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts’ sermon, “Nothing Left to Lose” reminds us all that God still loves us and God can still use us. Just like Eve, “even though [the devil] bruised [our] heels, he [can’t] take [us] out of the game.”

Podcast Episode Suggestion: It’s About the Journey, Not the Destination
This week, I suggest that you listen to the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made podcast’s episode, “It’s About the Journey, Not the Destination.” In this episode, Minister Mekia and I discuss how life is a journey and the four stages that everyone goes through on their journey: discovery, discipline, detriment and destination. Check out this podcast episode and be encouraged that you are not alone on your sanctification journey.

Podcast Episode Suggestion: Afraid to Feel
Being afraid to feel and inability to confront my emotions was a constant theme in my life. I looked at crying and being emotional as a weakness. Through my spiritual journey, I am learning that there is freedom in acknowledging and expressing your emotions. Debra Fileta's "Afraid to Feel" episode talks about the beauty in expressing your feelings.

Podcast Suggestion: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Here’s this week’s suggestion: my best friend and sister’s podcast, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (FWM)! Mekia Jae is a minister who focuses on the relational aspect of Christianity while letting her goofball side shine through. If you’re looking for a minister to give you the hard truth, but in a loving way, FWM Podcast is definitely for you!

Sermon Suggestion: Nurturing Your Inner Child X Sarah Jakes Roberts
Many of my blog posts will either reference or mention the traumas of my inner child and how it has affected my life. Sarah Jakes Roberts preaches an amazing sermon about nurturing your inner child. You should watch!