Sermon Suggestion: Enemies of Excellence
During one of my workouts, I decided to listen to Pastor Dharius Daniels’ video, “Enemies of Excellence.” It was one of those videos that convict you almost immediately. In this video, he stresses the importance of using your gifts and the things God blesses you with to maximum efficiency to achieve excellence because excellence is Godliness. However, there are traits that we develop in life that hinder our ability to be excellent. Pastor Dharius describes them as foxes because they are sneaky and cunning. The seven foxes are laziness, unhealthy associates, inadequate preparation, nosiness, ignorance, irritation and procrastination.
One of my goals for this year has been to adult better. In the past, it seemed like no matter what I did, adulting was just not adulting. I was falling short in at least one area regularly. There were also many other projects and skills I wanted to learn but it seemed like I never had enough time in my day. I realized that I was allowing laziness and procrastination to hinder me from all that I needed and wanted to do. I also wasn’t very prepared. I would give myself options of what to do in a day, but I never made a schedule for myself.
Although I had come to this realization before watching this video, it was a reminder to combat laziness, procrastination and unpreparedness. Additionally, I learned to analyze how the other foxes may be hindering my life.
If you are trying to maximize your life, adult better or whatever the case may be, I highly encourage you to watch this video.