Christian Concepts in Real Life.

Need Help With Faith?
Since we have been discussing faith for the last couple of weeks, I decided that this blog post would highlight some faith material that you can listen to, watch and read to help build your faith.

Podcast Episode(s) Suggestion: How to Start a Budget
In lieu of Monday’s blog, I thought it would be a great idea to suggest a budgeting video! You can watch Peggy Buck’s “How to Budget” video either on Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts’ Woman Evolve TV channel or you can visit YouTube, where it is titled, “W.E. TV Throwback: Budgeting Class X Peggy Buck.”

Podcast Episode Suggestion: It’s About the Journey, Not the Destination
This week, I suggest that you listen to the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made podcast’s episode, “It’s About the Journey, Not the Destination.” In this episode, Minister Mekia and I discuss how life is a journey and the four stages that everyone goes through on their journey: discovery, discipline, detriment and destination. Check out this podcast episode and be encouraged that you are not alone on your sanctification journey.

Podcast Episode Suggestion: Afraid to Feel
Being afraid to feel and inability to confront my emotions was a constant theme in my life. I looked at crying and being emotional as a weakness. Through my spiritual journey, I am learning that there is freedom in acknowledging and expressing your emotions. Debra Fileta's "Afraid to Feel" episode talks about the beauty in expressing your feelings.