Christian Concepts in Real Life.
Never Stop Learning
God can use anything to better your life. In 2013, I took a class in undergrad that I initially took because it was required. I hated coding. Fast-forward to 9 years later and most of my career has consisted of coding. You never know what skills God will use to elevate your life, so learn everything you can earnestly.
All Things Are Working For My Good
Contracting herpes at 21 seemed like a death sentence. Who would love me? Who would want me? Who would accept me? However, God used my STD as a way to start my self-love journey and get me closer to Him. This blog post is to encourage you that it might not seem like it, but all things are working for your good.
You Only Live Once (YOLO)!
The fear of missing out or FOMO is a real thing, especially if you have missed out for YEARS! At the age of 23, I vowed that I would experience life by going to more concerts. 5 years later, I rediscovered traveling and I became infected with the travel bug. Up until recently, I was always on the go. Then, I discovered that my savings account had sunk lower than I appreciated. I had to become more serious and intentional about saving. Read more about what I learned about saving.
Let’s Talk
We’ve all heard that “Communication is key,” but if you’re like me, sometimes you try to avoid uncomfortable communication. However, due to lack of communication, events did not always end pleasantly. Through scripture, I began to realize that even our all-knowing God requires communication. Because of that, I am making an effort to be more communicative. You should join me!
I’m different, Yeah, I’m different
With the constant stories, posts and videos of peers being lit with friends while it seems you are stuck at the house, forced to be bored, it is easy to understand why you could become upset, sad and angry. But God is setting you apart for a reason. I hope this blog post can give those struggling with being set apart hope and encouragement.